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  • Bmw Z3 & Z4 - Complete Story

Bmw Z3 & Z4 - Complete Story

44,00 €  
IVA incluído.

1 unidades em stock | SKU: 9781785002762

BMW, that most performance-oriented of car companies, had no affordable sports roadster in its line-up before 1995. Stung into action by Mazda's revival of the classic two-seater roadster, the Germany company quickly staked its claim with the Z3, a classic long-nose, short-tail design that used existing BMW mechanical hardware to good effect.

This new book tells the story of BMW's Z3 and Z4 two-seater roadsters and coupes, which since 1995 have been at the forefront of the affordable sports car market.

Historical background to BMW's arrival in the two-seater sports car market Complete history the Z3 and both generations of Z4 Full specifications of all models The formidable M Power derivatives Guide to buying and owning Profusely illustrated with over 200 photographs and diagrams

( PUB 04/2017, Autor: James Taylor, idioma: Inglês, 192 págs, capa dura, 26X21 cms, 200 fotos ).

Marca Crowood