Guia para o comprador ou proprietário de um Lancia Delta HF 4WD & Integrale. Inclui o Lancia Delta integrale 8v &s; 16v, Evo I, & Evo II.
Integralmente ilustrado a cores, indica as características e pormenores de cada ano de 1986 a 1994.
This book does not cover the Lancia Delta 1.3, 1.5, HF Turbo, and 1.6i.e
Essential reading before buying a Lancia Delta HF 4WD or integrale Learn from the author’s expertise and experience Detailed guide and scoring system for evaluating a potential purchase All you need to know about this iconic car What to look for - special features and pitfalls to beware of Technical specifications and production numbers Details of club support and suppliers Buying at auction and documentation advice Advice on maintenance and running costs